Exercise Recruit Camp

Applications close for Exercise Recruit Camp (12-14th April at Burnham Military Camp) on Thursday 4th April. You must have applied (with NOK approval) by this date in order to attend. Please also ensure you have paid via the Unit Shop by Thursday 11th April.

Joining Instructions are now available on the 17 Squadron Website under: Training, Activity Forms.

Microlight Flying
Basic 2, Prof and Advanced Cadets need to have filled in the Microlight Flying permission slip in order to fly on Recruit Camp. This needs to be in by Thursday 11th April. There are online copies available on the website or you can collect one from the Adjutant’s office this Thursday night. Due to the End of Term Fun Night, your last opportunity to hand in this form to the adjutant’s office will be Thursday 4th April. After this date, you will need to scan and send your form to sonya.gardiner@cadetforces.org.nz OR bring a physical copy along to camp.