The mid-year dining in is happening on the 27th of June, this event is a celebration for cadets, NCOs and officers of the achievements they have made this year so far. It includes a meal and will be attended by a VIP guest. Remember to sign up on cadetnet and pay via the shop to confirm your attendance.
A tradition of this night is the cadet and NCO fine session. Cadets and NCOs select a few funny moments or mishaps from the past year and assign an appropriate ‘punishment’ for the participants for the squadron to enjoy before the end of the night.
Please fill out the Dining-In Fines Form with any amusing infractions you’ve witnessed or been part of. Don’t forget to suggest a creative or humorous fine as “punishment” for these light-hearted “crimes.”–4OSlzji10hLPAg2raIlpy0gNdZQMbnG6RGRtfRDEA/viewform