Final Parade Reminders – IMPORTANT Please Read Whole Post

Final Parade is this Thursday, 5th December.

Cadets need to be at the block by 6pm in their formal (3B) uniform, presented in the highest order. This includes ensuring their hair is within the regulations, if necessary please get a haircut before Thursday night.

Family and guests are encouraged to attend final parade, and need to be seated by 6:30pm. Guests will be sat on seats on the side of the parade ground, which can become quite cold due to shade and wind exposure. We recommend that you wear/bring a warm layer, especially for children and grandparents.

Finally, a reminder that cadets are to bring a plate of finger food to share for supper, which will take place after final parade and prize giving. Supper will conclude at 8:00pm. Please arrange to collect your cadet promptly at this time.