Staff Dashboard

This dashboard is for staff use only. Below is a complete list of the sites and online tools maintained by the A6 Technology Officer. All require a username and password to access, please refer to your emails or contact the A6 for access.

All Staff

How to Guides

Google Drive – A6 Technology Guides

Website & Noticeboard

The official means of digital communication with cadets and parents/caregivers. Posts are available instantly online to the public and subscribers receive an email of all new posts every Tuesday at 18:00 (6pm) – this process is automated.


The online history of the unit. Staff can add and/or edit content.

The online photo gallery of the website. Staff can upload, tag and/or edit photos.

Chain of Command Diagram


The online learning site. Editor access is via Google Sites.


The official means of digital communication with staff and NCOs.

Administration Staff


The online enrollment form used by new recruits.


Used to view and process online payments. Can be filtered by date/product.

Please report any issues with the above resources as soon as possible.