CadetNet Bugs

We have had several reports of parents / guardians receiving an error “Oops! That page can’t be found.” after updating details on their cadet’s profile when they try to confirm an activity application, and the approval then not going through.

We have confirmed with the CadetNet development team that this error is caused by updating the School Year field on the confirmation page. Until further notice, please don’t update the school year when confirming applications.

If you encounter this error otherwise, just try to confirm the application again without updating anything, and send us an email at with the details to update. (If the problem persists, send us an email.)

Also, if you notice that your cadet’s latest tetanus shot date is missing from the confirmation form, and you know we already have it on CadetNet, don’t worry about updating it. The date just isn’t displaying on the confirm details page since the CadetNet covid update. We’ve reported this to CadetNet as well.

Apologies to the parents and cadets who were affected by this bug, and thanks for your patience and for reporting it to us. (All the cadet applications for Ex Kakapo have successfully been NOK Approved now.) As always, if you’re having problems with CadetNet, just send us an email and we’ll try our best to get it sorted for you! ?