Dining In this week

There will be no parade at Wigram this week. Instead, those who have applied and paid for our Dining In need to meet at the Metropolitan Stand, Addington Raceway at 5:45 pm. Keep an eye out for the 17 SQN flag. Cadets can be collected at about 9 pm.

Ensure your uniform is of a very high standard – remember our special guest for the night is the Commandant! We noticed last week that a lot of you have grown since you last wore your 3B uniform – so make sure you get your pants hem lowered before Thursday if you need to. It will be warm in the function centre but if anyone does choose to wear a singlet/T-shirt under their shirt they must ensure that it can’t be seen.

Check out the information in the Cadet handbook under ‘Uniform’ if unsure about the correct way to iron/wear your uniform https://www.17squadronatc.com/cadet-handbook/.

The general expectations for dining in and the format of the evening can be viewed in the document below.

We look forward to seeing you there!