Response required, please check your emails – Cup Day Fundraiser – Tues 8th November

Addington Cup Day Fundraiser Tues 8th November 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Planning for our Cup Day project is almost complete and we are now seeking your commitment to help. All parents/caregivers should have a received a email with further details. Please respond to the email regardless on whether you can help or not. Knowing if you can or can’t help is very useful.

We are fortunate to have this fundraising opportunity, it certainly beats having numerous sausage sizzles, raffles and chocolate sales. We have now been doing this for a number of years and we now have the organisation well-oiled so as well as working we can have an enjoyable day. 

However for it to work we need the support of parents and any others you can coerce.  The old adage, “many hands make light work” could well have been coined for this activity. A good team means we can get regular breaks during the day.  

So please, if you can spare some, or all of Tuesday 8th November,  your help would be greatly appreciated.

Feel free to contact me on 0272206566. 

Darryl Cotton
Chairperson – Unit Support Committee