Your support is needed, please check your emails – Cup Day Fundraiser – Tues 8th November

Parents/caregivers – you should have a received regarding Cup Day. Please respond to the email regardless on whether you can help or not.

Cadets – you are also required to help on Cup day, and are expected to attend between 1730hrs (5.30pm) and approximately 2000hrs (8pm) to do the final rubbish sweep. The more that attend, the quicker we will be! As this is our one major fundraising event for the year, attendance at this evening is expected. Please contact if you are not able to attend. This event is now open on CadetNet, so please apply ASAP. 

Cup Day Update

Only two weeks to Cup Day and No. 17 Squadrons major fundraising project. First a big thank you to parents who have already advised their availability or not to assist. Numbers are building up but we still need more assistance to ease the load on those who have already volunteered.

Remember, if you cannot commit to a full day just advised what hours you are available and you will be fitted in. The main workload is from mid-afternoon onwards.

Therefore, if you have not responded to the email yet please try and do it as soon as possible so that the scheduling can be sorted. Remember we would appreciate your response either yes or no, we then know that you have received the email and saves the hard-working USC committee phoning around to check that you have received it.

We have had one parent advised they did not receive the original email from the USC Secretary, if by chance you have not seen the email requesting your help please advise and we will send you a copy, also check in your spam folder.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.