Microlight Flying – Term 1 Holidays

Basic 2 and up cadets (those cadets who joined in 2022 or earlier) will have the amazing opportunity to have a one-on-one 30 min lesson in a microlight aircraft in Rangiora, subsidised by the Unit.

We have secured three days over the Term 1 holidays:

  • Wed 12 April
  • Mon 17 April
  • Fri 21 April

Each day is strictly limited to 20 cadets, and each cadet can only fly once over those three days.

Information Form can be found here.

For all those wanting to attend, please complete the following:

  • Complete the Google Form found here
  • Apply on CadetNet for the day you want to fly on
    • Once a day is filled, applications will be closed for that CadetNet event.
  • Pay on our Online Shop found here
  • Have a parent/caregiver complete and return the additional Aircraft Consent Form and Declaration Found here. Paper copies will also be distributed.

Closer to the time we will advise when in the day you are scheduled to fly.

Cadets new to the unit in 2023 will have their opportunity to fly on Recruit Camp.