National Efficiency Results & 2024 Dates

A nice end to the year – our Unit has won the National Efficiency competition! Results were released yesterday and we received the Air League Trophy for the most efficient ATC Unit in the country 🙂

Below are the dates (or approximate dates) of our camps for 2024. There will be plenty more activities throughout the year that will be advertised as they are confirmed.

If you are not returning in 2024, please let us know and arrange to return your uniform as soon as possible, for issue to new recruits.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer and look forward to seeing you back in the new year.

Dates for your 2024 calendar:

1 Feb – First parade night back

Feb/Mar – New Recruit open evenings (for those that missed out on our November evening)

29 Mar – 1 Apr Warbirds Over Wanaka trip (places filled)

12 – 14 Apr – Recruit camp

25 Apr – Anzac day parade

24 – 26 May – Exercise Top Squad (places limited)

Jun – Exercise Ardua (inter-flight competition)

Aug – Interunit drones weekend

Sept – Exercise Kakapo (aviation camp)

25 – 28 Oct – Exercise Taiaha (bushcraft camp)

12 Nov – Cup day (parent help required)

5 Dec – End of year parade & prizegiving