Exercise Recruit 12-14 April

Apply now on CadetNet for our first camp of the year!

The warning order for Exercise Recruit can be found on our website, under ‘Activity Forms’. https://www.17squadronatc.com/forms/

This camp is for all levels of Cadets, although it is particularly important for our new recruits to attend. There is no space limit for this camp, so you do not need to wait for confirmation that your application is accepted. Please make payment for this camp via our shop. https://www.17squadronatc.com/shop

New Recruits: this is an opportunity to get to know your fellow Cadets, the Unit and to learn some valuable skills which you will use throughout your time in Cadets. You will be participating in leadership, sport, shooting, drill and more.

Basic 2, Prof and Adv: Come along to Recruit camp to put your classroom-learnt skills into action. Practice your shooting, leadership, first aid skills and potentially have an opportunity to fly.

More information for new recruits:

  • You can only make CadetNet applications once you have a photo upoaded to your profile. If your application is declined by the system, simply wait until we have uploaded your photo and your application will automatically go through.
  • A ‘warning order’ gives basic information about the camp, e.g. where/when/costs. Before the camp, those attending will be sent a ‘joining instruction’ or ‘JI’ which gives more detail (e.g. what to bring).