Term four parade nights

We had hoped to get back to parading as a whole Unit this term, but as we remain at level two, we will continue to parade in our Thursday and Friday night groups from last term. The exception to this is the Advanced Cadets (4th years), who will parade on a Thursday night only.
As mentioned previously, there is a small margin for swapping your assigned parade night. Please contact us if you wish to do so.
There will be no Friday parade this week, due to Exercise Taiaha. The Friday night group will catch up on missed content during the rest of term four. 
The protocols we had in place last term still stand. This includes:

  • All personnel must maintain 1m distancing
  • Over 18s must wear a facemask
  • We ask parents and guardians to please remain in their vehicles when dropping off/collecting
  • Handwashing is encouraged, and anyone feeling unwell should stay at home. 

We look forward to seeing you back in the next couple of weeks.