Update on Addington Raceway Show Week activities

As you will be aware the program for Addington for this year has had to be severely curtailed. The races will still be going ahead but with no public attendance. Visitors will be limited to  a number of “bubbles”, all prepaid and under very strict conditions to comply with the current rules.

You will also be aware that for a number of years Addington has been our Units principle (or only) fundraiser with the income from our work there covering our operating expenses and keeping costs for activities for our cadets at a low level. We have built up an excellent relationship with Addington but we had expected that we may not have been required at all this year. However now they’re planning is underway they have advised that they would like approximately 25 personnel from 17 Squadron on Cup Day and a lesser number on Show Day. This will mean that we will still get a significant income which is good news.

We should be able to cover these numbers from the Officers and senior NCOs plus USC members but we may still need some assistance from parents depending on the final arrangements.

We would be grateful if you could let us know by email if you would be available on either day to assist if we need to expand our numbers. There will be no rubbish collection as such and the cadets will not be required to do the final clean-up as usual. The duties will be mainly car parking, traffic management and ensuring that visitors are sent to their appropriate bubbles. Timing still have to be confirmed but it looks to be about 09:30 through to 17:00 hours on Tuesday and 10:00 hours to 15:00 hours on Friday. Part days would be quite acceptable if you cannot do the full shift.

Having show week as our fundraiser  has been very successful in the past and we are delighted that we will still have some work this year. To put it bluntly like most organisations we need funding for our activities and having this activity means no raffles, sausage sizzles……

Should you need any further information contact either the Unit Commander, USC President Darryl or USC Secretary Neil Wech.