Dining-In this Thursday (22/06/23)

A reminder that we are holding our annual Dining In this Thursday, 5:30pm at Addington Raceway.

Please come in your 3B Formal Uniform.

Please do not go to Wigram as no-one will be there.

Please take the time to review Dining-In Protocol:

General Rules:

  • Follow all instructions from the PMC and Vice PMC (A/PLTOFF Sies and OFFCDT Howie).
  • PMC stands for President of the Mess Committee – they will be the main speaker for the evening.
  • Be respectful and sensible. We will have guests from Southern Area HQ.
  • Be vigilant – don’t make a fool of yourself by spilling food or tripping.
  • Use your “sir’s”, “ma’am’s” and address the appropriate people by rank.
  • Use your table manners.
  • Do not eat until your whole table has food.

Passing of the Port (AKA Toasts):

  • Passing of the port is a traditional part of a formal dining in. It will happen after dessert.
  • Non-alcoholic port is served and cadets pour themselves a drink in respectful silence.
  • The port jug should be passed around the table without being placed down until everyone at the table has been served.
  • Do not overfill your glass as everyone needs to have some.
  • Once everyone has some port, everyone stands and toasts are made.